Mind It! Mad Or Nothing.
Quite literally that is. No really, we mean it. Creative madness happens only when you do what you love and love what you do. We find joy in doing just that. Nothing makes us feel happier than cracking a great idea or solving a marketing problem. We are a delightfully small creative agency that’s big on ideas and we can take them both online and offline.

Jay Shah
Founder & Creative Head
Thinking, writing, leading, mentoring, listening, laughing, meeting, motivating and so much more. This mad, creative entrepreneur never says no to an opportunity to think out-of-the-box.

Sameer Arora
Numbers Guruji
Mad about numbers, excel and surging growth line. His bottom line is: What can't be measured, can't be improved.

Kimberly Pereira
Sr. Graphic Designer
Enthu queen. Born artistic. Diet freak. Perfectionist. Always up for a challenge. Caution: don't mess with this one.

Ajay Devar
Sr. Graphic Designer
Tupac fanboy. Passionate designer. Hardcore gamer. Never says no for chai. And Vijay is his twin bhai. Seriously.

Samson Pinto
Keeps the word count. Just twirls his beard to get an idea. Guitar pro. Official DJ of the office. Has 32 sweet teeth.

Ajay Ghadge
Graphic Designer
The doosra. Aka AG. In love with learning. The official thecha supplier. Can't wait for his beard to grow.

Rahul Karandekar
Video Editor
He lives to eat. Helps others to finish their dabbas. As animated as the videos he makes. Bollywood is in his blood.

Anaita Pednekar
Jr. Copywriter
Old hindi songs, obscure memes or world cinema, this one's a certified geek. Worshipper of long walks and sunsets.

Monil Shah
Growth Hacker
Photography enthusiast. Loves exploring new trends in tech. A positive ray of sunshine with a go-getter attitude.